Monday, May 21, 2012

hmmmm, my better half, is better at this then i am, but i just want to say that i love, i adore my common law wife, i love being with her, i love looking at her, i love touching her, i love talking to her, i love sharing my life with her, sharing my soul and whatnot with her, i love the fact that i can just be me with her, i love that fact that she brings me peace, i love the fact that i feel comfortable with her, i love her
i love the fact that i'm not mad with her, that she knows me, she understands me, i just love her she is the best i love how she makes me feel, i love how she wants to be with me... she is defianetely better at this stuff them me... but i just want to say that she is the best around

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hmmmmmm Bacon, I do love you so, always and forever, you never did me wrong, you've always been there for me... i love you bacon... even when everyone else turned their back on me, you've always been there with your sweetness, your saltiness, your greatness, oh bacon how i love you so...

and folks last night while lying in bed next to my wonderfull wife to be, right before i went to sleep, i started to think to myself, i said self, your happy, your content, life is good..... life is awesome.  sure there are stresses in your life, sure your not totally happy at your job, but all in all, life is awesome, you have an awesome wife, you have and awesome life, and that is totally awesome....

Monday, May 7, 2012

Man times are tough, really tough people are out of work, employers aren't hiring, and those that are aren't giving out decent wages, cost of everything is going up, man times are tough real tough, and now even klingons have to beg for food, what is going on here.  I thought this was the land of opportunity, whatever happened to that, what happened to the love what happened to the chance of bettering yourself... what is going on here, can someone help me out here, i though America, was going to be the next big hope, now it seems it is the next big failure of mankind.  unless your allready rich, or are willing to step all over everyone else you are destined to live a life of poverty.  I just don't get it, what happened here, what is happening here, will it ever change will it ever get better for us, for those of us who are unwilling to hurt others to get ahead.  will it ever get to a place of what our forefathers dreamed it would be

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sometimes I don't always get it, sometimes i don't always know the way, but  you do, and sometimes i don't always act like i'm listening when you tell me, but i am.  like you i'm adjusting to this new life, new way of thinking, sometimes i still act and the think the way that i did before i met you, but i'm working on it.  Sometimes it may seem that i'm not but i am, old habit die hard, i know what i'm needing to do, and i'm working towards that goal... i love you, and i always will

Friday, May 4, 2012

ok its hot, freaking hot out there, is in the 80's and its only may, what the hell is July going to be like.  It's going to be one hell of a hot summer this year.  this sucks...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

So ya looking for an easy way to save money on the family budget, have I got a place for you, the Dollar Tree.  Dez and I shop there all the time, they have all that we need to get by, and they have all you need to make cheap and easy meals the whole family can enjoy.  In fact just the other day, we were able to feed a family of six for 5 bucks, now mind you we did not gorge ourselves, we ate sensibly.  We had Chicken Teriyaki with vegetables over rice.  We got a bag of rice, a bag of vegetables, a jar of Teriyaki sauce, and two boxes of Teriyaki chicken.   it was amazing I must say so myself.... so if you struggling with the food budget check them out, we can make a lot of meals for around 5 bucks, not a person but for the whole meal.  its so awesome...