Friday, March 30, 2012


So, um, then she said....

so anywho, new to this whole blogging thingy eh, i know i know, i'm like late to the party and all, so late the party was last week and the house has already been condemned....

but anywhooo here I go, I used to be depressed and would write about that, now i'm not, and i have a hard time writing, when i'm happy with life and all seems well even though life still tries to bring me down i'm very cool with it... I got a wonderful woman now, that supports me and is there for me, and that is awesome... but like you want to hear about that eh.. hee hee hee

so um, the world is my oyster right
not a big fan of oysters, so the world is my bacon
i love bacon,
bacon is how i met my lady, she loves bacon too
i was on one of them der dating websites, and looking at her profile she said she was a big fan of sex and bacon... i was like hey i'm a big fan of sex and bacon... never tried them together but what the hay..... but seriously folks... i love bacon

um i need to clear my head more before i try to seriously blog... but i love you all

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