Monday, April 30, 2012

are you out of your Vulcan Mind, I mean really what the hell is going on out there eh.... what is happening in the world right now.  Why in this day and age are we debating in congress about health care, birth control, and when a women is actually pregnant.  I just don't get it, why in this day and age, are our teacher struggling to teach, they don't have the money to buy supplies for their classrooms, why are there so many potholes in our streets, why are there starving citizens in our streets, why does our goverment care more about the poor in other countries then are own.. i just don't get it... we like to say we are the greatest country in the world, we are the richest country in the world, but yet we can't even take care of our own.  why is it that not all of can afford even the basics to survive.  i just don't get it, what has become of us, what is wrong with us, why are we more concerned about which celebrity is fucking which celebrity, when we should be more concerned about the kids and why they are all joining gangs and don't feel that they have a future anymore.  I just don't get why our goverment wants to blame our president for the jobless rate in this country when they passed laws that allows companies to farm out all our jobs overseas.  why our govement gives tax breaks to companies that are making record breaking profits, and still can provide jobs for people, i just don't get it... why there is a war on women, when it is women who really are the backbone of everything we do. without women we would be here, without women we could not be who we are, why are we fighting against them, i just don't get it.... what is wrong with us

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