Monday, April 16, 2012

So today children, I want to talk about something that royally pisses me off.  Politicians, I hate this time of year or at least this time of year every four years.  Presidential Election Season.   Why do I hate it so much, simply because its all lies, and hatred.  I hate how one party will try to get us to hate the other party because oh they are doing this bad thing, but in reality, they both are doing this particular bad thing. the one party just wants us to take our attention off the bad thing they are doing, and put the spotlight on the other party for doing the same bad thing.  I hate how they all flip flop their ideals according to their audience at the time... one time they will say this to a certain group, then the very next day they will say the polar opposite to another group of people.  I hate all the empty promises, like if i'm elected this huge problem we are all facing will magically go away instantly and there will be no reprocussions for my actions...  I hate this, once just once i'd like to see a politician just say. ok folks this shit is fucked up, i don't know if i can fix it.. hell i don't know if any person can, but i'll do my damnest to try, and yes it will take a long time and a lot of scacrifice to do it.   also I'd wish a politician would just admit, hell we are going to have to raise taxes, this shit cost money people. we can't fix the roads, pay for healthcare, the elderly, the disadvantage, the army, and everything if we don't have the money to do it.  I just hate how politicians, think we are all too stupid to realize the truth...just tell me the truth people. 

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