Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ya know a sad part of our modern day workplace is that it has become so automated that even a well trained monkey could do it.  Granted the picture is of a ape, but ya know what i mean.   You really think about it, most jobs have become some sort of factory work, intellectual in nature maybe but still a factory job none the less.   Ya take the hugely growing field of Call Center for instance, sure a lot of them have been farmed out, but there still is a ton here in the states, especially where i live, Colorado Springs.  there are tons of Call Centers.  And, what really is call center work, but an intellectual facotry.   I mean you sit at a desk all day with a phone in your ear, and you pump out some sort of product, sure its called sales or customer service, or even tech support.  but your just pumping the same product out minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day.  its just factory work.   Besides maybe some service based jobs like electricians or plumbers, most of our jobs are very very very repetitive, and are just pumping out some sort of product.   we have all become mindless robots in our jobs.  I think that is why most of us are not satisfied with our jobs, they are no providing us with a sens of pride anymore.  we don't feel like we are really accomplishing anything or bettering mankind anymore.  we are not really working towards a common goal anymore.  the only goal we are working towards is the raise in the value of our companies stock.    and then you take in considereation that job benefits seem to be going down and down and down every year as the cost of health insurance goes up and up and up every year.  no wonder you hear stories of people going postal at their jobs from time to time.   what is the answer to all of this i don't know. this is just an observation that is all.

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