Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Technically we are just living together, we are not legally married, but we are technically engaged to be married, I love her and i consider and feel as if she were my wife. I feel as if we are married, my worries are her worries, her worries are my worries. we work through our differences, and we are working together towards a common goal.  I want to spend the rest of my life with her, i want to grow old with her, i want to be with her to the day i die.  i love this woman with all my hear and being.  we have so much in common, we have connected, we have clicked, i feel as if we were one soul.  what is marriage but a piece of paper, what is important is what is in my heart and what is in her heart. our hearts are are one beating organ.  we are engaged so that i can show the world that other men cannot approach her as a piece of meat that they can try to conquer anymore.  I have already won that battle, i did not conquer her, she allowed me into her life, she allowed me into her heart, i asked and she said yes.  i almost lost this opportunity becuase i was scared, and stupid, i was scared of being hurt again, and i was too stupid to realize what a wonderfull woman that she is.  i'm glad she gave me another chance, i'm glad she took a chance on me... without her i am nothing with her i am whole i love you baby

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