Friday, April 13, 2012

Douglas Adams in his famous Five Book Trilogy, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, once wrote, the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything is "42".    Some say the meaning of life is "Love".  Others follow, the verbiage of their chosen religion.   Me,   I grew up thinking that the meaning of life, was growing up, going to college, getting a good paying job, get married, get a house, raise a family, retire and die.  

Now that I am grown, and I have not followed the lifestyle that was engrained in me, by my parents, I"m starting to come up with my own meaning to life.  I look at my current situation of life.  I'm divorced and currently living with my wife to be, I have kids that don't live with me, I don't own where I live, I have a job, but it would not be considered a good paying job, and I have debt.  However I am happy, and I'm starting to realize this is the meaning to life to me.  Just being happy with the situation you in.  This is my life and created it, I made the choices and decisions that led me to be at the place I am in my life.  It has taken me a long time, and a lot of what people like to call soul searching to realize this.  I created my life, and I'm happy with it.  Sure it helps me that i'm with a wonderfull woman that loves me for who I am, and just wants me to be happy, she wants me to be me, and not someone else.    so maybe love does factor into the meaning of life, maybe even a belief system also factors into it as well, even if that belief is non belief.  all i know is i'm at peace with myself and the world right not, and that cool.

I don't know what i want to do with this blog, what  I want to accomplish from it. where I want this blog to go, but i have decided I will write something in it every day, even if it is just to say hi to the internet.  I have always wanted to write a book, but i have never been able to do it... so this blog will be a start.... till i see you again have a great day

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