Friday, April 27, 2012

why, i just ask why
why are we here
why do we struggle
why is there pain
why is there oppression
why does karma take so long
why does good things happen to good people
why doesn't it all make sense
why do i feel like a mindless drone sometimes
why do i feel like just another brick in the wall
why do i wonder
why do i care
why can't i see the reason
why can't I see the why
why do people hate
why do people kill
why do people destroy
why must some live in poverty so others may live in luxury
why are there starving kids in aftrica
why are there starving kids here in the Springs
why do i wonder
why do i feel
why do i fear
why do i fantasize
why is there corruption
why do some people abuse others
why do some people feel lost
why do some people feel hopeless
why do we people feel disconnected in a connect world
why do our leaders feel its ok not to lead us
why do our leaders feel it is ok to take advantage of us
why do our leaders feel it is ok to abuse their power
why are there terrorist
why can't we live in peace
why is there chaos in the order
why is there order in the chaos
why do i ramble
why do i want to write but can't think of what to say
why do i feel lost sometimes
why do i wish to be heard but have nothing to say
why do i have something to say but can't be heard
why do i get myself some tea
why do i work a job that bugs me
why did i get myself in these financial straits
why can't i understand
why can't i find the knowledge that i seek
why is there such a discrepency
why not have a coke and a smile
why not feel
why is there crying
why not more laughing to you cry
why not see the rainbow
why not see the gold
why not see the pleasure
why concentrate on the negatives
why not conentrated on the positives
why am i asking why
why not ask when or how or what or even where
why not use some math
why not take a bike bride
why not....

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